我懒得在163再说了,在这里奉劝想移民的各位 ------- 仔细看看MPNP的网站!!要想提名,工作还是必须和专业挂钩!!要是连这点英语都看不明白,还不如回去算了。 3 a8 D% s, Y+ r3 J* `7 l# p " X. H* H0 u+ _- M9 X. U. N& S9 EThere are new criteria for international students to apply to the MPNP. We adjusted the criteria to synch with changes to Citizenship and Immigration Canada\'s post-graduate work permit program. 3 H. N5 x5 P- J6 Z v; V5 z+ o0 N
3 S4 Z% M) s; p
The International Student priority-assessment stream is for graduates who have established strong ties to Manitoba and intend to live, work and establish their careers here. 0 C& e" a# X+ q! P7 Q' n
+ G$ ]1 E5 _2 b* W7 Q' p ~9 pTo be eligible to apply you must have already: 2 L6 h# b6 Y8 V. }" K! M
2 M0 m: F5 F' g6 [" F
graduated from a post-secondary educational program of at least one academic year at a Manitoba institution 7 O% L+ V* z! Q1 b1 T$ ~" T 4 ~4 C/ J! z3 ~+ E" L0 E9 N5 \4 e3 @obtained a post-graduation open work permit from CIC " b6 R% S7 P7 H- n; { - l; Q. Z6 G+ i& jreceived from a Manitoba employer a formal offer of a full-time, long-term job related to your field of studies. 7 P; f$ F7 l! b* o' \ % c _2 j9 Q/ z* T0 e6 s; dYou must be working for that Manitoba employer, and have been so for at least six months. ! T7 e$ U! D3 r P- Y# _3 ]
( l+ N8 Y% C( G' E9 q& T6 x& U还有,别以为肯给三年工签是好事,加拿大缺LABOUR,不缺亚裔移民!!LABOUR和移民有啥区别??LABOUR不干活了,无论是工伤还是解聘还是辞职,一脚可以踢回去,你的TAX cpp IE啥的都白交,你享受不到加拿大的福利,你的子孙享受不到加拿大的教育。而移民不干了,政府还得给发救济,要是因为工伤,政府的养你一辈子。 w) I0 v6 v, |8 N 5 ^1 \# V& t. s$ n* S! s如今的移民法,你啥专业啥工作都能申请下来工签,这是千真万确的。但是在你给加拿大政府当了3年LABOUR之后,人家要不要你留下,就不是你说得算的了。还有,现在cic不安先来后到审批了,而是按市场需求处理个案。这说明什么??你工作不好的专业不好的就等着吧,等着吧,傻等着吧~~~~即使cic打开始给你工签的那天就没打算要你,还是能让你傻乎乎的在加拿大当各好久LABOUR。 % A( Y$ B, A, F3 w Y( `* ^; L& D. A( \( g% }5 Y
最后 记住一句话 资本主义社会是由资本家控制的,资本家和LABOUR永远是剥削和被剥削的关系。本地LABOUR不好惹阿,上有劳工部可以打官司,下有UNION可以罢工,资本家欺负不起啊。而外籍劳工呢??啥也没有,啥也干不了3 y4 [' f/ N7 X/ N v& K) |, n
FROM MPNP WEBSITE:* j" ~' D% I/ x9 H
% t* I( d9 J6 O1 i- U2 p: G
Citizenship and Immigration Canada changed the criteria for its Post-graduate Work Permit Program April 21. Manitoba grads currently on a work permit issued prior to April 21 can still apply to the MPNP under the old criteria. As well, the changes do not affect applications already submitted. 9 a3 E2 x# h, @1 P% H) f# k+ T$ f