1. Name, Birthday, SIN
2. Present address with postal code, access code(If you have) (请注意,您的地址将用来邮寄重要文件如支票,税务单)
3. List of old addresses from Jan. to Dec. including amount of rent and name of landlord (每个房子只有一个人可以报税,请注意,如果您在税务局抽查时无法提供您的房租单,可能会影响您的退税甚至无法获得退税)
4. T2202 form (学费单)
5. Phone, Email
6. T4(工资单)
7. T4A(奖学金收入证明)
8. T5(如果你有银行的定期存款利息,那么你应该会收到这份银行存款利息单)
9. Bus Passes from July 2006 to December 2006
10.Other information slips