The restrictions on single-family home construction under the provincial growth plan have led the multifamily condo builders to be dominant force in the GTA,according to the Star. As such, those who can secure their dreamed home -- a new single family home that has become increasingly rare and expensive – are the lucky few.
这套房屋位于万锦市的Bur Oak Avenue夹Ninth Line附近,担任软件工程师的Michael称,他们之所以看中这套独立屋,是因为他们的大部分亲戚都居住在当地,他们希望自己的孩子能和表兄妹一起成长。此外,这套房屋距离他的工作单位很近,开车只需15分钟。而此前他的朋友都建议他购买距离工作单位较近的房屋。
建筑业及土地发展联会(Building Industry and Land Development Association,BILD)主席兼行政总裁图基(Bryan Tuckey)称,每年都有逾10万人移居大多伦多地区,而持续飙升的房价令许多准买家难圆住房梦。尤其是首次购房者和新移民更是难以存够购房首付。