Work in Canada and Apply for Work Permit 来加拿大工作和申请工作签证
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Types of Work Permit 工作签证种类 ( @9 \+ w; ]( B! w
- Open Work Permit 开放式工作签证2 z" W- u9 j$ O) m+ ~7 L7 S# o: r
6 E: o9 I Y' v, t2 qAn open work permit allows you to work for any employer inCanada ) a$ }+ t9 X- [' h$ c( }$ r) K
开放式工作签证允许您为加拿大的任何雇主工作 8 q9 | f4 l1 K$ ^! \$ ~9 ]+ R
- Employer-Specific Work Permits 特定雇主工作签证 M. M; r+ g: Z# p1 q2 _
0 x+ @9 g, P$ I, P/ z8 m
An employer-specific work permit allows you to work according to the conditions on your work permit, which include: 雇主特定的工作签证允许您根据工作签证的条件工作,限定条件包括有: - the name of the employer you can work for, 你可为之工作的雇主名字
- how long you can work, and 工作多长时间及
- the location where you can work(if applicable) 工作所在的地方0 e) r8 P {# Y
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Who Can Apply for an Open Work Permit?谁可以申请开放工签?
7 r0 Y+ f$ Z z4 kYou may be eligible for an open work permit if you: - are an international student who graduated from a designated learning institution and are eligible for the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program; 毕业于指定的学习机构的国际留学生并有资格获得毕业开放工签者
- are a student who’s no longer able to meet the costs of your studies (destitute student);! X8 v3 e9 t# g0 j) O5 W1 n
是一个不再能够支付你的学习成本的学生(贫困学生) - applied for permanent residence in Canada; 已经提交申请加拿大永久居民的申请者
- are a dependent family member of someone who applied for permanent residence; 申请永久居留权的申请者的受抚养家庭成员
- are the spouse or common-law partner of a skilled worker or international student; 技术工作者或国际学生的配偶或同居伴侣
- are a refugee, refugee claimant, protected person or their family member; 难民,难民申请人,受保护人或其家庭成员
- are under an unenforceable removal order; 申请者处于根据无法执行的离居令
- are a temporary resident permit holder; 临时居留许可证持有人
- are a young worker participating in special programs; 参与特别项目的年轻工作者1 e, e8 l G( {
: M2 O# y1 w1 e. a4 p% @+ V
In each of these situations, you must meet additional criteria to be eligible 在上述每种情况下,您都必须满足其他条件才有资格
5 i/ ^. Y4 ^8 l3 ?5 P, Q* }9 F Spousal Open Work Permit 配偶开放式工作签证
% G- D2 C: V1 ~' dYou maybe eligible for an open work permit if you’re: - a spouse of a skilled worker in an occupation under the National Occupational Classification (NOC) skill type 0, A, or B approved to work in Canada six months or longer; 在国家职业分类(NOC)0级,A级或B级技能职业工人的配偶,允许在加拿大工作6个月或更长时间
- a spouse of a foreign student at a public post-secondary school, such as a college or university or CEGEP in Quebec; 公立高等学校的国际学生的配偶,如学院或大学或魁北克的CEGEP
- a family member of a foreign representative, or a family member of a foreign military member who is working in Canada; 外国代表的家庭成员或在加拿大工作的外国军人的家庭成员
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Contact us 联系我们
9 [; Y7 s* n9 X7 r8 v2 U+ d: |& nShould you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. It would be free for the consulting. 如果您有任何问题或者疑问,欢迎随时联系我们咨询,咨询免费。
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Company (公司): Silver Lining Immigration Inc. Address (地址): 302-1200 Pembina Hwy, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, R3T 2A7 Contact (联系人): Ben WeChat (微信): benuxleegz Tel (电话): +1 204-890-5890
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