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News Release0 y2 ]) t$ [& T" C) R4 j
Tougher rules governing immigration consultants enacted and new regulator announced
3 r7 C/ [8 M8 Y' u) g0 I  7 B! g9 f. p# d/ \6 E( z
Ottawa, June 28, 2011 — Legislation cracking down on crooked immigration consultants will come into force on June 30, 2011, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today.- }8 J; H2 O  P) O
At the same time, oversight of the consultant community is being turned over to the newly created Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC). “The Government of Canada has promised to crack down on crooked immigration consultants and their shady practices, and with Bill C-35, we now have the tools,” said the Minister.7 T5 k4 N1 _: X
Bill C-35 strengthens the rules governing those who charge their clients for immigration advice or representation, making it an offence for anyone other than an accredited immigration representative to conduct business, for a fee or other consideration, at any stage of an application or proceeding. It also increases penalties and fines for unauthorized representation and allows for more government oversight in order to improve the way in which immigration consultants are regulated.
9 H2 U# M0 s' L; u6 f: l1 H2 KWith the designation of the ICCRC as the regulator of immigration consultants, consultants who are currently members in good standing of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants (CSIC) can begin to register with the ICCRC on June 30, 2011.
- p1 U, k4 ~% X9 t! \Immigration representatives must be either members in good standing of a provincial or territorial law society, including paralegals; members of the Chambre des notaires du Québec; or members of the governing body for immigration consultants.5 h: ~8 x% p8 I
A 120-day transitional period will be put in place to ensure a smooth transition and continuity of service for both CSIC members currently in good standing and their clients during the transition to the ICCRC. The transition period will end on October 28, 2011.
: ~8 n! ^5 A. _, RAfter a notice was published on March 19, 2011, in the Canada Gazette, Part I, proposing the ICCRC be designated the regulator of immigration consultants, over 70 percent of the public comments received during the 30-day consultation period supported the proposal to establish a new regulator of immigration consultants.
1 m) i; B' Y( U6 b. V4 ]“The ICCRC has committed to accountability, transparency and good governance and has pledged to work to protect the interests of consumers,” added Minister Kenney. “Their efforts, backed by strong new legislation, will allow us to better serve people through our immigration processes and protect potential immigrants, all while improving the integrity of Canada’s immigration system.”

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就是一枪  管理员  发表于 2011-7-26 01:27:25 | 显示全部楼层

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tercel  曼省名人  发表于 2011-7-26 07:04:19 | 显示全部楼层
) }; M3 L  ~( d; f) b4 |0 V- N中新网6月30日电 据加拿大《明报》报道,加拿大联邦移民部长康尼(Jason Kenney)28日宣布,有关打击“无良”移民顾问的C-35法案,将于30日正式生效。根据该法案的相关条例,无牌经营移民顾问业务属于刑事犯罪,违者将被处以高达10万元的罚款或为期2年的监禁。
) }! k" T# k% G7 A" a4 K; {- a$ k+ I% X
  与此同时,现有的加拿大移民顾问协会(CSIC)将于30日被新创设的加拿大移民顾问监管协会(ICCRC)取代,成为正式的移民顾问监管机构。  N( D: K( {+ P$ z4 o% |4 k

6 d' x  v8 k- z, A/ r8 r0 u; d8 F# H  康尼在28日上午召开的新闻会上指出,打击“无良”的移民顾问是联邦保守党政府的优先急务之一,因为那些“无良”的移民顾问向客户收取上万元的巨额现金,但向客户提供虚假和错误的数据,有的甚至完全没有提供服务,从而严重损害了消费者的利益。这就是联邦政府针对“无良”的移民顾问采取行动的原因。
* V- i9 [* f+ w- _. f3 I1 _- `6 w9 B. e9 s% M
6 B* n: H6 z# ^
) L- R7 s/ a" x! u" \+ U& r3 P  他说:“在过往,我们无法对付那些化身为‘地下顾问’的无牌移民顾问,因为他们以‘地下顾问’的方式提供收费的移民顾问服务,既避免受到加拿大移民顾问协会的监管,又避免缴纳相关的会费。但C-35法案解决了上述问题。”
9 I! O8 Y$ k0 w( ?8 c/ Z! i1 H" `+ o1 c0 p
& ^2 c  V1 `: {) P
% U5 e5 p5 D% I' J- |  他指出,有关联邦移民部将创设一个全新的移民顾问监管机构,来取代现有的加拿大移民顾问协会的通告于今年3月19日在《加拿大宪报》上发表后,在为期30天的民意征询期间,移民部总共收到207份反馈报告。其中,对于创设全新的移民顾问监管机构表示支持的比例高达70%。7 G. o% p; B+ O. d  u
0 `' _! s4 h  Q* z( f3 J1 v6 A2 t
0 m, T$ y) ~2 w$ ^' t
' n, I. l4 Q: G" [7 d4 u8 E2 j  康尼还呼吁中国和印度等加拿大吸纳海外移民的主要来源国,与联邦移民部开展合作,加强对移民顾问行业的监管,从而有力打击“无良”的移民顾问。6 I& F, F6 o3 |, x, p& g! I
1 w$ @$ ]0 f/ z' N
  加拿大移民顾问监管协会主席慕尼(Phil Mooney)在新闻会上说,从本月30日起至10月28日的120天内,加拿大移民顾问协会属下的合格会员将被自动接受为加拿大移民顾问监管协会的会员,他们将有30天的时间完成注册程序。
. T6 R: k; V. |$ P  t2 G1 W) g0 c5 |3 ?3 S; F
0 l) e2 P  P* z
  j4 a/ p. M4 I0 |4 q1 a1 |  全国设5办事处处理投诉; X, j. @* H% [5 ?6 \- J/ V; v3 }. c
- ~% T9 l$ D1 p3 N' c* A$ V0 ?6 d
  至于加拿大移民顾问协会正在处理的投诉个案,将由加拿大移民顾问监管协会接收,后者将在全加各地设立5个办事处,就投诉个案开展调查。/ f: c+ }+ k# y

1 ]9 @& N# U, m  Y' {5 F  慕尼还在接受明报采访时指出,在C-35法案正式生效后,移民申请表格将有所变化,将要求移民申请人如实填报自己是否聘请了移民顾问。如果申请人未能如实填报,其后被移民部发现,即使申请人已经加入了加拿大的国籍,其入籍资格依然可被取消。

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